KEARNEY, NE — There’s no better way to start a day than with a high-five.

Now make that a high five from a police officer, add some 'R and R' with Luna the therapy dog, top it off with a donut and it’s about perfect, no matter your age.

“We see a kid smile when they see a cop and it makes our day," School Resource Officer Nathan Dennis said. "It’s literally the best part of the day we can have.”

Park Elementary School in Kearney hosted Donuts with Grownups on Friday. For the kids, it was a fun way to celebrate the winding down of the school year. For the police, a chance to show kids that officers are regular people too.

“We’re approachable. They can come up to us at anytime, have a great conversation," Dennis said. "We’ll stop at the parks and play games with them. We’ll do pretty much whatever we can to grow that relationship with these kids.”

Nathan Dennis is in his first year as a school resource officer and knows many students in Kearney Public Schools. Now, he hopes to make more connections with parents.

“I enjoy talking to the kids," Dennis said. "I encourage it, anytime a parent wants to come in and talk to one of us - there’s three of us in Kearney - I encourage you to come and talk to us and get to know us.”

If you do reach out, just remember an officer’s preferred greeting; the high-five.