The new community center coming to Columbus will be a big change not just for the library, but the art gallery tucked away just beneath it.

The people running the exhibit are excited, and also just a little bit cautious.

“We’ve enjoyed this space down here. It’s roomy and we have really good lighting,“ said Columbus Art Gallery Board of Directors President Linda Wheatley.

“You know there is a lot of unknown things that come with a big move like that, so there’s a little bit of anxiety involved. But I think all in all it’s going to be a good thing.

The exhibit was built in 1981 and has hosted Columbus artists and their work ever since.

Former gallery manager Donna J. Dubsky demonstrates her craft on the showroom floor, in one of the last events the exhibit will have before the big move.

“I have shown here ever since the gallery has been open,” she said.

She’s been drawing since 1971. And her techniques are anything but conventional.

“They look at me like I’ve flipped my gourde,” she said, placing her pencil and paper inside a paper bag.

“And that just forces you to learn to SEE it.”

Strange for some, but she says the results can’t be denied.

“This is what she did for a hand in the beginning,” she said, showing a piece of paper with a student’s first draft of a hand.

Just below is another drawing, much more defined and detailed. 

“This is what she did after one hour.”

A lot of details for the new gallery is still I the works. One concept has pieces of the art gallery being displayed in a glass window looking out to the street.

Dubsky is excited, but there are some elements she hopes remains the same

“I’m praying they’re going to have a space as large as we have here,” she said, “because we need culture.”

“I’m hoping we can have something like that again because Columbus needs that. And I hope it doesn’t disappear.”

Right now the gallery is holding its Christmas Market, selling both art and practical pieces, until the end of December.