It's being called one of the worst fires in the history of Columbus.

Today- many are still reeling from the news that four people were killed over the weekend.

The youngest among them just four months old.

“It’s been a long long time since something like that has happened in Columbus,” said Columbus Fire Chief Dan Miller, “It’s been a long time since we’ve had a single fire death.”

Officials say an ember from a burning fireplace ignited nearby materials, causing the living room to be engulfed.

The fire detectors in the home failed to go off.  The batteries were disconnected from the units.

Six-year-old Natasha Lambrecht; 4-month-old Lars Barcel Jr.; their mother, Janelle Miller, and Lars Barcel Sr. all died Saturday.

The reported cause of their deaths is all too common for house fires.

“What happens is they succumb to the smoke inhalation way before the flames ever get to them,” Miller said. 

“Smoke doesn’t wake you up. It puts you further to sleep. It puts you into a stupor. It confuses you.”

The funeral home’s obituaries for the family members say that Natasha “had a laugh that could fill a room and a spirit that drove everyone around her.” 

The home also says that Janelle And Lars SR. had planned to marry.

With more cold nights ahead, fire officials are reminding everyone to double-check their smoke alarms.

“We need to make sure that operable smoke detectors are in place to maximize the escape time,” Miller said.

“Nowadays with modern synthetics, open construction style, a little more air in the home because of that open construction style, you typically have 3 to 5 minutes is all.”

A funeral service is scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday at Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbus.