LINCOLN, Neb. - The jury in the Bailey Boswell trial saw photos from Sydney Loofe’s autopsy Friday morning.

The pathologist who performed it described how she determined Loofe’s cause of death. Boswell, accused of participating in the killing and disposal of Loofe, sat with her head down during this entire testimony.

The doctor said she received Loofe’s body in 13 pieces and she started her autopsy by taking x-rays and photos of Loofe’s body. She said there were sharp cuts made and other evidence that helped her determine the cause of death.

“When your blood supply is cut off, it can cause what we call petechial hemorrhage and that’s a sign of strangulation,” Michelle Elieff said.

She also found some injuries that likely happened before Loofe’s death including an injury to her earlobe and a bruise on her head. The pathologist also discussed the tools used to dismember the body. Later on, those will be compared to the tools Aubrey Trail and Bailey Boswell bought the day they believe Loofe was killed.