The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Syracuse Area Health continue to track the unfolding outbreak of respiratory illness caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and anticipate its impact on Nebraska and its health care system.

 People on a local, state and national level are being asked to stay home, reduce daily travel and movement, and refrain from gathering in groups of 10 or more people to slow the spread of the disease.  We ask you to do your part. 

•  COVID-19 illnesses have ranged from mild to severe. Recent data shows older adults and people with underlying health conditions are more likely to be severely impacted by COVID-19.

•  Symptoms include: Fever of 100.4° or more (or 99.4° if 65 or older), cough, and shortness of breath.

•  Testing is currently very limited and will be based on current Nebraska Department of Health recommendations.  If you think you may have the Coronavirus (COVID-19), do not go directly to the ER or to Syracuse Area Health.  Call first.  Our healthcare providers will evaluate your symptoms and explain your best course of action.  Call Syracuse Area Health at 402-269-2011.

•   Many patients will be asked to self-isolate at home until evidence of the virus has passed.  That includes being fever free for 72 hours without the use of fever reducing medications, an improvement in respiratory symptoms, and at least 7 days from the onset of symptoms. 

•   For more information on COVID-19 visit the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services website at: