Gov. Ricketts made his way to Norfolk Tuesday to talk about the measures he and the legislature have enacted in regards to fighting abortion in Nebraska.

“It's great to be in Norfolk,” Ricketts said. “Obviously this is a great pro-life community and it's one of the reasons we wanted to come here to share the good news about all the things we've been able to accomplish in the legislature.”

Ricketts believes that it is the duty of the elected officials to represent the views of the citizens and he feels that the legislature is doing just that.

“What we do as elected officials and our budget should reflect those values,” he said.

“And that's what we've been delivering on these last two years, with regards to all the pro-life initiatives we've taken in the legislature in addition to all the things we do in the state government to make sure we are protecting the dignity of human life.”

Part of Ricketts conference in Norfolk was to recognize the efforts of Senator Albrecht and Speaker Scheer in helping to combat abortion by passing language in the state budget that doesn't allow funding for any organization that is pro-abortion.

“This year we also placed important language in our budget to prevent our Title X health care dollars from going to any organization that, provides abortions or directly counsels for abortions,” Ricketts said.

And while there is being progress made, Ricketts wants to make sure that people understand that it isn't without hard work and cooperation.

None of these bills are easy. They all require teamwork and it's important that all our pro-life senators stick together,” Ricketts said. “Speaker Scheer, Senator Albrecht, Senator Brasch, Senator Larson, Senator Briese, are all senators from Northeast Nebraska that have been a part of that team and i'm grateful for their service.”