BEATRICE - Nebraska lawmakers conclude this year's legislative session today, about a week earlier than was scheduled as a 90-day session.

One state lawmaker says passage of a new two-year state budget was one of the most important accomplishments. Adams lawmaker Myron Dorn is a member of the budget writing Appropriations Committee. Dorn says one major disappointment this session was the failure to enact a comprehensive property tax relief plan.

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As a freshman lawmaker, Dorn was successful in getting passage of a bill that will allow a county facing a federal judgment of at least $25 million, to enact a half-cent sales tax, through a super majority vote of the county's board.

That will enable Gage County to pay off the Beatrice Six federal civil judgment more quickly. Dorn had to fight off a veto of the bill by Governor Pete Ricketts and was successful in convincing his colleagues to override the Governor's decision.

Dorn gives part of the credit to a major lobbying organization for working with him, as the bill moved through the legislative process.

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The League of Municipalities advocates on behalf of cities, several of which already have local option sales taxes.

This session, Dorn says the legislature made some progress on corrections issues, as the state faces the possibility of being ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to reduce prison population. He says although legislators did not approve a new economic development incentives bill…there was worthwhile discussion on ImagiNE Act that was designed to replace the Nebraska Advantage Act.