BEATRICE - Gage County's total real property valuation for this year has declined, by 1.83%, according to figures released by the Nebraska Department of Revenue.

Excluding growth, that decrease is 2.74%.

Gage County Assessor Patti Milligan released figures today showing that the median value of residential property in the county is 95%, while commercial property has a median value of 99%.

The median for agricultural land checked in at 70%. The median figures are within ranges prescribed in state law.

Recently, notices were mailed out to property owners whose valuations changed, either by an increase or a decrease. Property owners are encouraged to meet with the assessor, if they have questions.

:14 "the market's doin"

Total ag land valuation declined by 7.6%, but residential valuations increased 7.19%. Commercial property increased by 4.61%.

Few protests have been filed, so far. Property owners have the month of June to file a protest of their valuation. They are then considered by the county's board of equalization, in July.

According to Nebraska Revenue Department figures for other area counties, total real property valuation….

Decreased in Jefferson County, 2.81%

Increased in Johnson County by .44%

Increased in Pawnee County, 1.57%

Decreased in Saline County, 1.44%

Three of the biggest increases came in Sarpy, Douglas and Lancaster Counties….9%….8.38%….and 7.24%, respectively.