Morning fire sends one to hospital in Hastings

Man dies following Sunday house fire, Hastings Police confirms

Brush fire closes westbound I-76 at Sedgwick amid high fire danger

Sherman County fire started under suspicious circumstances, and it’s not the only one

UNK wrestling returns home in style after winning program’s 5th national title

Sandhill Cranes return to Nebraska

UNK wrestling secures program's 5th national title

Former Franklin football coach facing new, elevated charges in sexual abuse case

Kent Boughton debuts as News Channel Nebraska chief forecaster

One Person Arrested After Pursuit in Lincoln County

A new storm could spawn tornadoes in the South and whip up a blizzard in northern states

South Dakota law raises questions about future of massive Midwest pipeline

Daylight saving time is coming and the golf industry can't wait

Trump's move to restore old Army base names highlights Nebraska man's heroics at 18 in World War I

WNCC takes two from Lamar to open conference play on Sunday

Sports Broadcast Schedule

UNK wrestling returns home in style after winning program’s 5th national title

Eagles drop final two games to MSUD

Auburn is the No. 1 seed in the South Region; Tigers seek redress after first-round ouster last year

Casper wins Region IX title, several Cougars get post-tourney honors