Ravenna proposes $5.5 million school bond to address ‘urgent facility needs’

RAVENNA, Neb. - Ravenna Public Schools announced Monday that it will be asking community members to vote on an upcoming bond project aimed at improved safety conditions and school facilities for local students.
School officials said in a press release that some of the improvements include a more-secure school entrance, new agriculture shop, classrooms for agriculture, art and robotics, a weight room, and a renovated mechanics classroom.
The project will also bring all students back together under one roof, with classrooms in the north buildings being brought back into the school.
School officials said in the release that this will provide “a more inclusive experience for students, particularly those in middle school special education.”
The RPS Board of Education also announced that it had called a special election to take place, by mail, on March 11 for a school bond to not exceed $5,500,000.
Ravenna Public Schools will host two public meetings to provide additional information about the school bond election.
These meetings will be on Monday, February 10 at 8 p.m. and Wednesday, February 19 at 7 p.m. Find more renderings at www.ravennabond.com.