HASTINGS, Neb. – Just one obstacle remains before a Central Nebraska non-profit can open its new substance abuse rehab center.

Revive Inc. is putting the finishing touches on its newly renovated rehab facility in Hastings. 

The Hastings-based non-profit bought the old Motel 6 building in May, and has been working tirelessly to open a new substance abuse center, never seen before in Nebraska. 

Revive Inc. has provided out-patient services since 2008, but their new expansion will allow them to now offer Medicine Assisted Treatment (MAT) detox treatment, plus inpatient services on a short-term and long-term basis. 

It will become the only non-profit in Nebraska to offer a combination of the outpatient, inpatient, and detox services all under the same roof. 

Executive Director Kristine Kasperbauer has led the charge behind the new facility.

"We always talk about how we work where these people live, and the people live where we work," said Kasperbauer. "It's a beautiful relationship to have where we can see these folks that come in on a day-to-day basis throughout the day."

Revive Inc. moved its outpatient services to the new building in October, and Kasperbauer says their intensive outpatient program (IOP) is currently full.

The new building can house 80 inpatient residents at a time, plus having offices for their therapists and counselors to meet with anytime. 

"We're not driving across town to go to counseling, we've got our open doors, and they're (counselors) available for one person to another that's most generally had struggles in their life."

Kasperbauer says besides the finishing touches to spruce up the building, Revive is just waiting on approval of their renewed Medicaid contracts to include inpatient services. 

They're aiming for a mid-January grand opening, with the detox facility fully opening the next month in February.