New Adams County Jail still months away from completion, 4 months after projected opening date
HASTINGS, Neb. – From one opening date to another, the Adams County Sheriff's Office has been forced to repeatedly push back the opening of the new County Jail due to matters out of their control.
"Due to delays, changes, and things in that nature, it (the jail) has been delayed," said Adams County Sheriff John Rust. "Things are coming along good, and hopefully they'll be able to get things completed as soon as possible."
Sheriff John Rust is vague in talking about another opening date for the new Adams County Jail, and rightfully so. The opening date has been pushed back multiple times, and now it’ll still be at least another two months until the ribbon will be cut.
After getting a look inside, the exterior besides landscaping is done, but the inside just needs minor improvements to put the finishing touches on the building. Unfortunately, contractors are having trouble getting these items.
The current jail is on the third floor of the Adams County Court Building, which was constructed in 1962, and significantly remodeled in 1997. It only houses about 45 male inmates. Female and juvenile inmates cannot be booked in Adams County, and must be transported to a different county.
The finished facility will have 158 beds, and will be able to house male, female, and juvenile inmates.
A 2019 report from the county highlighted several other problems, and proposed the need of a brand new facility.
In 2020, Voters passed a $38 million bond issue, and ground was broken in April of 2022. At least 2 years after construction began is when the jail is now expected to be open –– 6 months later than the initial projection.
"Last I heard, they're hoping to have everything completed, and possibly have an open house around April 17th," said Rust. "But that's changed several times, so I don't know how concrete that will be."
Sheriff Rust says they’ve been able to train new staff in the old building that will allow a smoother transition for them to the new jail after completion.
After completion, a full facility inspection can occur, which will also take more time.