After what seemed like an eternity to some, the YMCA's indoor pool is back in business. 

The pool was closed back in March to add updated infrastructure, including a new boiler, HVAC system, new plumbing, and electrical work among many upgrades. 

The new pool is part of a $19.4 million renovation project that began back in August of last year.

The YMCA holds the only indoor pool in Hastings, causing some grief and frustration when it was closed.

"To not have the pool open for the last seven to eight months was really tough on a lot of people," Hastings YMCA CEO Troy Stickels said. "But really it was the only way to do the work that needed to be done to keep it open for another 40 to 50 years. Everybody's that's been in so far has been blown away by it."

Currently the pool is open to members only while finishing touches are added to the pool. Non-members can buy day passes beginning Mon. Nov. 20.

Pool locker rooms, a steam room, and other minor improvements will finish in the upcoming weeks. As far as the rest of the facility, the expected finish date is May of next year.