GRAND ISLAND, Neb. (KSNB) - Grand Island Police said a 75-year-old man reported being a victim of an email/telephone scam. The victim told police he was scammed out of $103,000.

GIPD Captain Jim Duering said this follows suit for scammers perpetuating a crime on the elderly.

When asked if these cases are solvable, Captain Duering said it’s a hard question to answer. He said from the one they’ve seen, a lot of scammers are suspects on the east coasts, but even a higher percentage of these types of scams are done overseas.

Captain Duering said in those cases, they sometimes reach a resolution when multiple cases are grouped together and taken over by a federal agency. He recommends people report scams not only to the police but also to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. This way they may be able to see avenues and links regarding the certain crime that may lead to a resolution.

Captain Duering said intervention being done by stores taking proactive steps with either signage or employees taking notice, has helped alleviate some of these cases, especially gift-card scams.