HASTINGS, Neb. – The city of Hastings is now better equipped to guide future developments, thanks to a brand-new comprehensive plan for the first time in 16 years.

The Hastings City Council voted Monday night to approve the new comprehensive plan for the city, which began developing in April 2022.

The city's former comprehensive plan, that recommends guidelines for general development practices around the city, had been in place since 2009.

Among the 144-page document, notable changes include expanding residential density, meaning developers would be able to build more housing units on a single acre of land.

Plus, it would spell out guidelines on the criteria when the city wants to annex land that is near city limits.

The Development Services department says this new document won't immediately change anything, but it will pave the way to make developments easier in the future.

"It's the starting block or foundation of that, so we'll start here with this policy document, and then the next step will be staff proposing to the planning commission and the city council some new regulations," said Director of Development Services Chad Bunger. "We hope it allows for smoother building plans, and easier development, as well as allowing for more types of development across the city to help out in a variety of ways."

David City-based Marvin Planning Consultants assisted Hastings in developing this comprehensive plan. 

Community Developer Mason Herrman told the city council that this new plan will give Hastings an edge when applying for state and federal grant money. 

"I've been told many times if a city doesn't have a good comprehensive plan, don't even think about grant funding," said Herrman. "This really helps you guys grow as well and get that CDBG (community development block grant) money, the things you're getting draw downs for right now, this plan will help you guys get more of that money hopefully."

After further discussion, the council unanimously approved the motion to adopt the proposed comprehensive plan 7-0.