We’ve all heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” but did you know that it applies to your roof?

Now I’m not a math wizard, but there are 32 ounces in a pound, so even my basic math skills suggest that you need a whole lot less prevention than cure, to get the same results. When you’re the one footing the bill, that can only be a good thing – and it’s why I recommend getting a comprehensive roof inspection from an expert like the folks at Apex Restoration & Roofing, before there’s a major complication. You can find them at https://apexroofingusa.com/residential

Let me give you the short version, everything you need to know, in a single sentence.

It’s a lot easier, more affordable, and less stressful, to keep your roof in tip-top shape and double its lifespan, instead of replacing it every 15 years.

How Long Can Your Roof Last?

If you’re like most homeowners, you may mostly forget about your roof – it’s up there, doing its job, why bother it? Right?

Unfortunately, that’s a quick way to lose a lot of money, because even though roofs are built to last, they do need a bit of maintenance now and then. If you never get repairs, even the tiniest bits of damage can start to snowball, until you find yourself looking for an early replacement.

Most residential roofs are rated to last between 25 and 70 years, but that’s with maintenance. If you just forget about it, you’ll be hiring a crew to do a whole new roof in 15 years or less, and that’s a lot more expensive.

I know, 25 – 70 years is a big window, but it depends on a few factors. What kind of roof do you have, how often do you get inspections and repairs, and what’s your local climate like?

If you want to know how long your current roof will last, you’ll have to ask an expert. However, if you want to know how long a new roof will last, with proper care, you can find a comprehensive guide from the experts, at https://apexroofingusa.com/how-long-does-a-roof-typically-last-before-replacing

Why Downspouts & Gutters Are The Key

One of the most common causes of water damage to residential homes comes from issues with downspouts and gutter systems, which help to direct water away from the house. If they can’t do that, the water is likely to puddle around your house, and soak down into the foundation.

How does this even happen?!

Over time, your gutters can become disconnected from your home, or downspouts can develop leaks. Usually this is just because screws can come loose over time, especially with high winds and changing temperatures.

Here’s the good news, it’s usually a super easy, affordable, and simple fix… in the early stages.

The best thing you can, the easiest thing, and the most affordable thing, are all the same.

Just schedule regular inspections, once or twice a year, with an extra check after any crazy weather. If the wind is so strong it’s damaging things, or the hail is putting people in danger – your roof could be damaged too. It’s probably easy to fix though, (repeat the chorus with me this time?) if you catch it in the early stages.

What To Do If It’s Too Late For An Inspection

So what happens if it’s too late, the damage is already done, and you’ve got water pouring in where you don’t want it?

Step 1 is not to panic, because you’ve got a few things to do.

First, start by putting buckets or totes under any leaks, to prevent the damage from spreading. If the weather is calm and you feel comfortable, you might consider putting a tarp over wherever the water is getting in, to prevent more from leaking through.

Next, call an expert – and it doesn’t matter if it’s Monday afternoon, or 3 AM on a Sunday, it’s an emergency. I recommend taking the number of a local expert roofer, for me it’s Apex (303-691-5035) and keeping it on the fridge.

Apex Restoration & Roofing is my go-to for their expertise, but also because they specialize in using routine maintenance to maximize your roof’s lifespan, and they offer 24/7 emergency care. If the water is already leaking in, they’re the ones to call.

You Can Do Your Own Inspection

So you want to save a few bucks, and do the inspection yourself – that’s reasonable.

Let me make a suggestion though, don’t fully replace expert inspections, because we’ll never be as good at spotting damage as they are. I recommend doing your own inspections, safely, and getting an expert in when you can.

The Apex Restoration & Roofing website has a full, in-depth guide to inspecting your own roof safely, whether you have metal roofing or asphalt shingles.

Here’s a blurb I copied from the full guide, “Flashing is what seals the joints and edges of your roof to keep water out. Storms can dent or loosen flashing—especially around chimneys, vents, and skylights. It’s a good idea to check these areas for signs of damage or displacement.”

Keeping an eye on your roof is an excellent idea, just don’t forget that an expert will be able to catch signs of damage you or I would almost certainly miss – and the sooner you get it fixed, the less it’s likely to cost.

You can check out the full guide on roof inspections, DIY inspections, and the earliest signs of damage, at https://apexroofingusa.com/5-signs-that-your-roof-was-damaged-by-a-storm

Apex Restoration & Roofing

7076 S Alton Way, Centennial,
United States


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