Hastings City Council approves contract of City Administrator Funkey

HASTINGS, Neb. – The Hastings City Council is giving the green light to the contract of the newly-promoted City Administrator Mark Funkey.
During Monday night's meeting, the council voted in favor 8-0 to approve the contract without any changes.
City Council documents show the agreement is for three years, from Dec. 2024-Dec. 2027, with an option to renew the agreement for an additional three years at the end of the term.
According to the city's wage scale range, Funkey's yearly salary will start at $183,893, and can increase to a maximum of $213,325 after eight years.
Documents say Funkey's job performance will be evaluated by the Mayor and Council during the month of September each year, at which time a salary and benefits review will be conducted.
Funkey was promoted from Assistant City Administrator, and appointed by new Mayor Jay Beckby.