Partyline Wednesday 09-04
PartyLine for Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
Sponsored by: Pat’s Auto Repair and Towing, Auto Glass Experts, UNL Animal Research Center, and Big Dally’s Deli.
bassinet for sale $35 OBO call 402-303-9689
Peaches for sale 8 am – 7 pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at the North Shore Church lot
Size 13 men’s dress shoe in black, 32 x 34 black dress pants, and men’s size medium black vest call 402-460-6137 (leave a message if no answer)
8 ft tall Blow-up herby husker with blow machine and wires asking $75 call 402-984-3138
Used tanning bed with a 220 outlet $50 call 402-705-6476
Storage Unit sale (lots of clothing for $1, care bears, shoes, jewelry etc.) by heckler on South Burlington - Look for signs!
Elliptical call 402-462-4814
Letterman jacket, black with orange trim, wool with leather sleeves, fully lined. $40 obo 402-462-8359
Thomasville hutch (3-piece set), barley used leather couch and love seat, game cabinet, (2) kitchen tables with (4) chairs, like new bedroom furniture set, computer desk, black stereo cabinet etc. call 402-469-2573
1996 chevy blazer (2) door, 2WD, is an automatic call 308-520-1737
7 ½ cubic ft refrigerator -stainless steel doors and black sides $125, short box spring from trump bed asking $10 call 402-404-5321
Black and decker edge hog for sidewalk $15 call 402-469-9554
(15) old school cigarette lighters asking $50 call 402-460-6575
‘98 chevy 4x4 (project fuel pump) asking $1500 OBO call 402-771-2303
1956 international Farmall tractor $100, 5 x 10 tilt bed trailer. Mormon mineral feeder double compartment call for price at 308-293-9581
Brown reclining couch from a chihuahua friendly home asking $50 call 402-705-7536
(2) Chicken nests, 1 has 4 holes asking $30, the other one has a back door for gathering eggs $40 call 402-469-7116
21 ft tall aluminum ladder $100 call 402-462-5251 or 402-705-0100
Dark colored heavy wooden Coffee table and (2) end tables with drawers asking $150 call 402-463-4431
dorm sized microwave $20 call 402-984-7343
93 GMC safari Van 81,500 miles, new tires asking $1650, kitchen utensils $4, 14-inch diameter light fixture like new $5, 4-gallon crockpot has a crack $50 call 402-469-7134
(2) 8’ tables, (1) 6’ table $15 each obo, 10’ x 7’9” gray carpet $25 obo 984-8967
Kirby Vacuum $40 462-6690
1996 Chevy Blazer 308-520-1737
Jack stands – (2) large $40/ea., (2) metal $20/ea., (4) small $10 ea., engine stand $50, craftsman bench $50, 402-762-5427
Gold weighted vest $25, Quad stroller $75, 469-1136
Electric trainsets or various types and brands, totes full of classic vintage Hot Wheels and drag racing cars 402-303-0098
Elliptical Image $160 402-462-4814
(2) power parachutes $6,000 each OBO call 308-380-8282
Selling farm fresh eggs call 402-831-7815
Brand new router $120 call 402-902-2722
Brand new ceramic canister set $15 call 402-519-3787
(8) Single stacking metal filing cabinets $5 each, (4) wooden stackable filing cabinets $20 a piece call 402-460-6575
I have 3 tires 225/50 17 asking $10 each and 2 barrels in a stand for $10 please call 402-519-8520
Craftsman Floor Jack holds 5000lb $45 402-984-1945
For sale: Alcatel flip phone with charger! $80 402-984-8592
For Sale, 2 tickets to Nebraska football game Saturday. Face value, South End-zone, Easy access. 402-984-0006
looking for a king size comforter and a smart tv call 402-303-9689
Looking for a yellow female kitten call 402-631-8629
Needing a 6 ft step ladder call 402-984-8209
Will pick up old junk call 402-771-2305
Looking for someone with a bobcat to move dirt into driveway call 402-469-7134
I am looking for a medical supply company who provides liquid oxygen to people with breathing issues. Please call or text 4029842251.
Looking for a junk man to take the old refrigerator call 402-469-1032
Large frame for kid’s trampoline. 402-984-3138
Someone to help switch a sliding patio glass door to a regular traditional door. 402-469-4545
White vinyl Privacy fencing 6’ tall 402-469-5341
White cubie shelves 402-463-4431
Mattress for a futon, located in York, will travel 402-745-0588
Looking for fresh Kohl rabi call 402-469-3441
Needing someone to do hydro grass seeding call 402-469-5341
looking junk call 402-519-8953 or 462-771-2305
Lawn sweep with a Thatcher on it call 402-463-4446
Looking for someone that works on power chairs 402-751-2367
Looking for a dresser 402-984-9339
3-bedroom 1.5-2 bath house/duplex/townhouse in Adams County, preferably Hastings but will consider small towns around it. Must be small dog friendly and accept the HUD voucher program. Prefer handicap accessible. Please TEXT 402-705-7536 and I will call you back.
Needing slicing tomatoes call 402-469-5341
Large upright freezer in good working condition and also a small round or dropleaf table 402-460-7673
Looking for someone who is selling farm fresh eggs willing to pay reasonable price can call 984-7588
Vintage rhinestone jewelry of all types. 402-469-4285
Want to buy 7 cu ft. Refrigerator 402-746-0116
Looking for the best product to get rid of the mice smell call 402-745-0588
A 2- or 4-bedroom house. Need asap. Some of us on disability and have dogs 402-469-1986
Apples specifically for making apple pie call 402-432-7436
Needing large plastic milk crates call 402-705-0573
Free Firewood to Be Cut Trees Are Down Just Need Cut. 402-984-1945
Tree cedar call 402-469-4974
young yellow and white female kitty call 402-519-5056
(3) children’s bicycles Building material- laminated wood panels 4x8, 3 ¼-inch laminated wood panel, painted shelves, 3 ¼-inch plywood call 402-463-5000
Egg cartons call 402-463-3739
Free garage refrigerator 402-462-5014
Free Queen Size Box Spring only. Text if interested. 402-429-1041
Girls bike call 402-461-6569
Full size box spring and mattress *no frame call 402-460-7145
Cats to give away. Kittens to give away. 402-469-1986