Rodeo team helps authorities lasso loose bulls in McCook

MCCOOK - Members of the Mid-Plains Community College Rodeo team assisted the McCook Police Department wrangle nine bulls that got out at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds at approximately 12:46 a.m. on Thursday.
According to police, two bulls were captured at the fairgrounds by the rodeo team, but seven others remained at large north of the UPS building. An officer located six of the bulls running north across Q Street before they were secured utilizing a pen north of the intersection of West Q Street and West 10th Street.
Police say the last bull evaded capture and was spotted "a good time later" in the area of Norris Avenue and Marsh Avenue. Members of the MPCC Rodeo Team, including three on horseback, pursued the bull southeast to Norris Park. The Rodeo Team members on horseback were able to safely lasso and capture the bull in Norris Park. The bull was loaded on a trailer and returned to the Red Willow County Fairgrounds.
The Red Willow County Sheriff's Department also responded.