Central City business prepares to celebrate 15-year anniversary

CENTRAL CITY, Neb. (KSNB) - Many people have seen the 1-to-1 Technologies’ sign while driving northeast into Central City, but few know the full story behind it.
It all starts with Cody Lawson, a Nebraska Christian student, who picked up a summer job fixing computers. Coming to present day, that business has grown into a multi-state company.
Lawson said the company’s first priority back in 2008, and now, is the people.
“Our motto is that we are not tech support,” Lawson said. “We’re people support, and the services we that provide, it’s not a cookie-cutter type business, it’s very individualized.”
1-to-1 is getting ready to celebrate 15 years in business. In that time they have grown to support 19 states and assists more than 1,000 members monthly. Through it all, the Central City Economic Development director, Miles Mcginnis, said Lawson has remembered 1-to-1′s roots.
“Here in a small town getting your computer fixed is very important,” Mcginnis said. “Most people don’t actually know to the point that he has expanded now, because they may have him servicing their computer individually or their company, but they still see Cody as Cody’s Computer Repair.”
Lawson said it’s his parents and grandparents who have helped him stay ground and grow.
“At the end of the day, their my solid rock and foundation,” Lawson told Local4 News. “Their the ones that keep pushing me forward, keep supporting me when things fail or when things don’t work out. They are truly the backbone of this business in a way. I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have them alongside me.”
Mcginnis said Lawson is just one example for the business potential of the city.
“We use Cody as an example to others, to say hey go talk to them,” Mcginnis said. “The nice thing is Cody will do talk to you. It’s easy to use him as an example for an entrepreneur, or even a young person to give it a go.”
Lawson has some advise for young people.
“If you have a passion for something just go out and do it, don’t wait till tomorrow,” Lawson said. “You know what? You’re gonna fail that’s part of business, but the most important thing is getting back up on your feet and keep striving forward. Don’t give up.”
Lawson said there are plans for the company to expand into the Omaha market, but he also stressed that Central City will stay the home base for 1-to-1.