GRAND ISLAND, Neb. -- The state legislature starts its session in Lincoln on Wednesday and Senator Ray Aguilar says he is more than happy to start working.

One of the first things senators do is vote on who will be the chairperson for each of the committees. A group of senators are trying to get rid of the secret ballot selection process. Aguilar, who represents Grand Island, likes the way it is right now, because it’s been like that for years. 

“Actually it wouldn’t matter if we had it or not," Aguilar said. "As far as I’m concern I’m still going to vote the way I want to vote, and that is for who I think will be the best person for chair. That’s the way I intend to vote and that’s the purpose of it, is to allow people to be able to make that decision and vote the way they see fit without them being concerned about party involvement or partisanship of any kind." 

Currently, abortions are illegal after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Last year a proposal to lower that to 12 weeks barely failed. Aguilar supported that and still does. 

“It's going to be a situation where it’s going to be a negotiated process, and I think both sides  have to give in a little bit on that," he said. "I’m prepared to do just that, get something in place for that works and it’s fair for everyone."

Aguilar thinks the legislature should lower taxes again, because they have a healthy cash reserve. Among the things he hopes to accomplish is to get a new judge for Hall County. 

“Working with the Supreme Court during my time off, trying to establish another judgeship in Hall County," he said. "We need another judge real bad, and I think we're going to get it done. Actually, what we’ll do is we’ll place him or her as a judge. Then appoint him as a magistrate, so he can focus his attention on youth. We need a juvenile judge really bad."