Minimum wage up, GOP leaders voted thumbs down
As of New Year’s Day, the minimum wage in Nebraska is now $10.50 an hour, up from $9 following a vote of the people on Election Day.
But while voters overwhelmingly approved the increase, the state's top elected officials all opposed it.
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On Election Day when Nebraska voters approved increases in the state minimum wage from $9 an hour to $15 an hour by 2026, they did so by a landslide.
But Nebraska's GOP leaders all voted against the move.
Statewide the measure passed 59 percent to 41 percent. Governor Ricketts voting no.
As did 1st District Congressman Mike Flood while his constituents voted 60-40 yes.
Bacon: “It actually results in more people being unemployed.”
Bacon's no vote in sharp contrast to his Metro area constituents who voted overwhelmingly (66-34) in favor of mandated higher wages.
The most lopsided difference coming in Omaha where Mayor Jean Stothert, the city's longest serving mayor voted no while voters in the city supported the move 70-30.
The one incumbent most in tune with his voters is 3rd District Congressman Adrian Smith. Smith also voted against raising the minimum wage, but his constituents were split right down the middle. (50.73 No, 49.26 Yes).
And if you're wondering how Governor-elect Jim Pillen voted so are we, but Pillen has refused to comment.
In Omaha Joe Jordan News Channel Nebraska