BEATRICE - The Lower Big Blue Natural Resources District and Swan 5 Advisory Council hosted their 20TH Annual Free Family Fishing Day and Youth Fishing & Casting Derby this past Saturday at the Willard L. Meyer Recreation Area near Tobias. 

The day included a Youth Fishing Derby, Casting Contest, BB Gun Shoot, Nebraska Game & Parks Fishery Display, Trapping Demonstration, Hayrack rides and a free hot-dog lunch.                 

Over 80 kids ages 1 to 18 braved the cooler temperatures than normal, to participate in the Youth Fishing Derby. Awards were presented for the Most Fish Caught, Biggest Fish Caught, Smallest Fish Caught, and for the Casting Contest.

The top award winners in each age group were: Ages 5 and under: Most Fish- Howard Senft, Lincoln; Biggest Fish- Klancy Kunc, Wilber; Smallest Fish- Oliver Keller, Crete; Casting Contest- Rowan Sedlachek, Lincoln.

Ages 6-9:  Most Fish-Ava Jerrod, Wymore;  Biggest Fish-Charles Koll, Wilber;  Smallest Fish-Franklin Koll, Wilber;  Casting Contest- Kalen Sedlachek, Lincoln; 

Ages 10-12:  Most Fish-Jayton Jones, Daykin;  Biggest Fish-Truitt Stohs, Wilber;  Smallest Fish- Jacob McClement, Tobias;  Casting Contest- Henry Koll, Wilber; 

Ages 13-18:  Most Fish-Keith Kemmerling, Dorchester;  Biggest Fish-Olivia Schafer, Daykin; Smallest Fish- Cheston Stewart, Western;  Casting Contest- Keith Kemmerling, Dorchester. 

NRD officials thanked sponsoring organizations for their help in putting on the annual event.