From tragedy to testimony: Todd Becker program coming to Sidney

The Todd Becker Foundation will be at Sidney High School 7 p.m. Wednesday, January 22.
SIDNEY -- In February 2005, 18-year-old Kearney High School senior Todd Becker died in an alcohol-related vehicle accident. His brother Keith has taken the tragedy as motivation to encourage life-changing decisions.
Chris McClemens, Director of High School Outreaches for the Todd Becker Foundation, said the Todd Becker Foundation was created after Becker's car accident. Keith Becker witnessing his brother Todd's death resulted in some difficult questions.
"We were created -- it was back in 2005 -- Todd Becker, was killed in an alcohol-related car accident. He was a senior in high school. His brother, Keith Becker, was partying with him that night, and when he saw his brother there at the wreck scene that was really kind of a crisis moment for him of the things I'm living for, is that really bringing life? Obviously, when you see your brother deceased, that causes a lot of pause for a person," McClemens said.
A few weeks after the accident, a pastor met with Keith. He shared the gospel with him, the freedom that can be found in Jesus Christ, McClemens said.
"Ever since then, we've traveled around the country presenting in public high schools. That's been our main area. And so what we do is we work with the local churches and rent out the facility for the school. There's going to be a live band that travels with us. So, they will be doing a concert that night, and Keith will be sharing his story of coming to faith in Christ, and just want to invite the whole community out for that," he said.
The Todd Becker Foundation will be conducting it's program 7 p.m. Wednesday, January 22, at Sidney High School.
Chris McClemens, Director of High School Outreaches for the Todd Becker Foundation, said the program is held at high schools, but schools typically do not sponsor the program. The Foundation pays the school a rental fee to use the facility.
"This is something we're partnering together with the local churches on. That's how we're able to get into a school. The school's not really sponsoring anything with it. They're allowing us the use of their facility, like they would any other group," he said.
Kyle Larson, senior pastor at the Evangelical Free Church in Sidney, is supporting the program because it is an outreach to the community.
"We just want to put on this outreach for everyone in the entire community. The high school is the hub of the community. We wanted to bring the gospel message into our community, and in doing that we asked the high school and they were onboard. This has been on the calendar I believe like a year and a half," he said.
The event is sponsored in part by Evangelical Free Church of Sidney, The Well Church of Sidney, Sidney Church of the Nazarene, Faith Methodist Church, New Heart Fellowship (Sidney), New Hope Assembly of God (Kimball) and Sidney Fellowship of Christian Athletes.