KHAS Radio host begins three-day rooftop camp out to raise donations for food insecurity
HASTINGS, Neb. – KHAS Radio Morning Show Host Brandon J McDermott is sacrificing his own comfort this week to raise awareness and donations for people who struggle to find their next meal.
On Tuesday morning, McDermott climbed to the top of the Burlington Center in Hastings to began his three-day camp out on the roof of the building.
The promotion is dubbed 'Heroes for Hunger,' McDermott and KHAS Radio are asking for non-perishable food donations to support Hastings and surrounding area residents who suffer from food insecurity.
"The biggest thing is to let people know that no matter how small they think their contribution is, it is all adding up to a bigger goal to help the entire community."
McDermott said he wanted to bring this issue to light because of his own personal experience with food insecurity.
"I was homeless as a kid in Omaha, I went to 11 schools in 13 years growing up," said McDermott. "I know what it's like to be poor, I know what it's like to not know where your next food is going to come from, I know what it's like to kind of feel helpless."
Data shows that 12% of Nebraskans consider themselves 'food insecure' which is about 1,300 homes in Hastings.
McDermott is staying on the Burlington Center roof until at least Thursday, but not before an 18-foot wide furniture truck is completely filled with food donations.
Donations are accepted in the Burlington Center parking lot on Burlington Avenue from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from today until Thursday.
If you would like to volunteer to collect donations, call 402-463-1230