WASHINGTON, KS - The City of Washington will be performing regulator maintenance on Circuit 3 on Monday, November 15, 2021 beginning at 8:30 a.m.  This will require a planned outage of up to 8 hours. 

The maintenance will affect the customers listed below:

Washington County Fair Grounds

City of Washington City Pool/Camper Bathrooms

City of Washington Ballfields

South side of US 36 west of E Street

Washington Motel

T-Mobile Tower

Gambino’s Pizza/Westside Wash

Mill Creek Retreat

Herrs Machine

Washington High/Elementary School

Washington County Communication Tower/Sheriff

City of Washington Water Wells 1,2,3

Colonial Acres

Barnes Addition – Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson Streets

Residential- South side of 6th street from E to F street

Residential - F Street from 6th Street north to College St both sides of street

Residential - West 3rd - west of D street

Residential - West 2nd - west of D street

Residential - Sunset Lane, Lamar Drive, Woodland Drive, Willow Drive, Crest Street, Bowen

Boston’s Well