Honoring Johnny Carson with a familiar present: Comedy
The Elkhorn Valley Museum celebrated Johnny Carson's birthday this weekend with a comedy show.
Saturday, October 23rd 2021, 11:43 PM CDT
NORFOLK -- The Elkhorn Valley Museum celebrated Johnny Carson's birthday this weekend with a comedy show. Five performers joked around and even put on impromptu game shows for the audience.
Education coordinator Libby McKay said this is the first time they've done such an elaborate show for Carson's birthday. She said she thinks it's a sign of Norfolk returning to the art district it once was.
"I think there are a lot of things happening that are going to take us back to the time when everything was going on in Norfolk," she said.
Comedians at the show agreed that Norfolk and everyone could use some more laughs in their lives, be it with a comedy club or more events like this weekend's.